When sober he can come across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.
柯林斯例句He doesn't come across as the thug he's perceived to be.
互联网This doesn't even need to come across as bing pushy, just helpful.
不必表现的太强势, 只要让人觉得你有心帮忙.
互联网And sometimes that can come across as a bit harsh.
互联网The hero in the movie come across as a little bit wacky.
互联网Be self - confident but DO NOT come across as a know it all, arrogant, or cynical.
要有自信但是不受到横过的影响当做一知道它所有的, 傲慢的, 或愤世嫉俗的.
互联网All the times I've seen him attempt humor have come across as forced and artificial.
互联网Cool is just being yourself, trying not to come across as someone you're not . ( Brian ): Brian.
所谓的“酷“就是指: 做你自己, 不要尝试着去成为让人印象深刻的别的什么人.
互联网They have to be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child.
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